Botanical Bakery Brand Makeover and Package Design
A complete brand makeover for a Napa Valley-based company specializing in gourmet shortbread cookies... The "lips" say it all.
If cliches are eating away at your brand's elevation in the marketplace, suffer no more. Call 715-235-9040 to eliminate the #1 killer of your brand's mojo. Ask for David. He's a native New Yorker. He has great stories to share.

From The Dieline, the world’s #1 package design website blog:
Rated 4.35 out of 5 by 108 people
Beautiful illustration work and overall package design for Botanical Bakery shortbread cookies, designed by DBD International.
From blog:
Botanical Bakery has completed an incredible rebrand with the help of DBD International. They've slyly used the implied lips from the logo to playfully give the product title a sense of action, each in their own colorful voice bubble. The design is whimsically bohemian, mixing vibrant hand drawn art elements with sophisticated typography. But the real brilliance is that the design is fully dependent upon you seeing and interpreting their new logo. And when you are re-branding, any additional looks at the logo are like coins in the meter of the customer's mind.
From Secret Agent Josephine blog:
Happy smiling leaf lips! This packaging makes me happy. I’d probably buy this product based on the cool fonts and illustrations alone. Then I’d probably tape it to my wall to inspire me.
From For Print Only (FPO) blog:
As I walk down the aisles of the grocery store, every now and then I see a package that will make me smile. Rarely does the package actually smile at me. Designed by David Brier, the brand and packaging for Botanical Bakery out of Napa Valley is fun, quirky and full of personality.
Creating the lips out of a leaf was the perfect match, since the lips, like lipstick, can change with each flavor as the lips announce the flavors to the customer. The grinning leaf lips with the tag line Natural. Delectable. Unapologetic. is a match made in heaven.
And while I have not tasted the contents of the smiling package, the colors and typography lead me to believe my smile would remain well beyond the first bite.
I would buy just because the packaging is super awesome.
Another reader:
Awesome packaging, really is perfect to attract the consumers.
From Lovely Package blog:
Denise Salvaggio:
Most original use of the leaf image I’ve seen in a long time.
Maja Pelc:
I think I just fell in love. With a packaging!
From Ashley French’s blog:
Hand-drawn elements, awesome type and an adorable logo that's also clever... check, check and check! I adore this packaging for Botanical Bakery by DBD International in Wisconsin.
From Kym Macfarlane’s blog:
Forget about the cookies, I love this packaging! I like the doodles, the thought bubbles, the leaves that look like lips, color palette and packaging format. GOOD STUFF!